Good Math/Bad Math is One Year Old!

I just realized that I’ve been writing this blog for a whole year! I managed to miss the actual
anniversary, which was on thursday. It’s hard to believe that I’ve been doing it for a full year.
When I started Good Math/Bad Math on Blogger, I honestly believed that I’d probably last a couple
of weeks; maybe a month at best. And I didn’t expect to find a lot of readers – my best guess was
that I’d be lucky if I got a couple of dozen readers a day. After all – what I write about is math – in particular, mostly extremely abstract math. Not exactly something that I expected a lot of people to be interested in.

And now, a year later, I’m part of the ScienceBlogs community. I’ve posted close to 500 articles since the blog started, and I’m averaging 3,000 pageviews per day. Absolutely unbelievable!

So I’d like to say thank you to all of you who’ve been reading and commenting. Writing GM/BM has been more fun and more rewarding than I could have imagined, and that’s mainly due to all of you who read, comment, and send links. Thanks for reading, and thanks for letting my share my love and enthusiasm for math with all of you.

I’d also like to say a particular thank you to my friend Orac. It was Respectful Insolence that inspired me to start my own blog, and Orac was the first blog to link to GM/BM, providing me with that first burst of readers that really got things rolling. So many, many thanks to you, Orac.

Here’s hoping that I can keep this going for many more years!

0 thoughts on “Good Math/Bad Math is One Year Old!

  1. AriSan in New York

    Dear Dr. Chu-Carroll:
    Happy Anniversary to you, and many happy returns! Your
    Good Math/Bad Math ia a valuable site to visit, because it’s not entirely advanced math, which would easily overwhelm a lay person like me in the world of professional mathematicians–physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, architects, rocket scientists, engineers to cite a few–, but the reading had been stimulating. I can always escape when I get stuck, and by trying to follow through was fun enough. I hope you keep on your blog many more years, indeed!
    Happy Cheers!!

  2. Susan B.

    I’ve only been reading for a few weeks, but even I can see this blog is something special. Congrats on your anniversary, and keep ’em coming!

  3. Jonathan Vos Post

    Reiterate the congratulations.
    Care to define as a Basic: “Year” — given the difference between Solar Year and Sidereal Year, the leap year, the leap second, and the current USA manipulation of Daylight Savings Time?
    Our congressmen seem innumerate on this, as well as fiscal and scientific issues.

  4. dileffante

    Happy bloggiversary!
    I started reading blogs around the same time you started blogging, and the first thing I looked for was math… and lo! there was GM/BM! There was something to read in this strange bloggy world about which I had heard! Thus, I guess you are to blame not only for the time I have spent reading your posts, but also for the time I spend in the blogosphere altogether 🙂

  5. Abel Pharmboy

    Congratulations, Mark! You’re a great ambassador for mathematics and a superb teacher. Hope to buy you a beer soon and toast your anniversary. Keep up the great work.

  6. coturnix

    I’ve been reading you since the first link from Orac and hope to keep reading you for many years to come, when we are both old and frail.

  7. Tyler DiPietro

    DUDE FUCK OMG! I can’t believe I forgot to congratulate you on your 1 year blogiversary! Well, here it is, which is little topical easter egg mixed in:

  8. usagi

    Not unbelievable at all. You’re good at this. Thank you for all your work explaining difficult concepts in ways non-experts can understand. I’m especially enjoying the recent book reviews (3 1/2 year old precocious niece).

  9. Luna_the_cat

    I don’t tend to comment much here, but this has become one of my very favourite blogs of all times, not to mention an excellent resource. Just wanted to say thanks.


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