A Gentle Explanation of the Intel Speculative Execution CPU Bug

There’s a lot of talk today about the recent discovery of a significant bug in the Intel CPUs that so many of us use every day. It’s an interesting problem, and understanding it requires knowing a little bit about how CPUs work, so I thought I’d take a shot at writing an explainer.

Let me start with a huge caveat: this involves a lot of details about how CPUs work, and in order to explain it, I’m going to simplify things to an almost ridiculous degree in order to try to come up with an explanation that’s comprehensible to a lay person. I’m never deliberately lying about how things work, but at times, I’m simplifying enough that it will be infuriating to an expert. I’m doing my best to explain my understanding of this problem in a way that most people will be able to understand, but I’m bound to oversimplify in some places, and get details wrong in others. I apologize in advance.

It’s also early days for this problem. Intel is still trying to keep the exact details of the bug quiet, to make it harder for dishonest people to exploit it. So I’m working from the information I’ve been able to gather about the issue so far. I’ll do my best to correct this post as new information comes out, but I can only do that when I’m not at work!

That said: what we know so far is that the Intel bug involves non-kernel code being able to access cached kernel memory through the use of something called speculative execution.

To an average person, that means about as much as a problem in the flux thruster atom pulsar electrical ventury space-time implosion field generator coil.

Let’s start with a quick overview of a modern CPU.

The CPU, in simple terms, the brain of a computer. It’s the component that actually does computations. It reads a sequence of instructions from memory, and then follows those instructions to perform some computation on some values, which are also stored in memory. This is a massive simplification, but basically, you can think of the CPU as a pile of hardware than runs a fixed program:

def simplified_cpu_main_loop():
  IP = 0
  while true:
     (op, in1, in2, out) = fetch(IP)
     val1 = fetch(in1)
     val2 = fetch(in2)
     result, IP = perform(op, in1, in2)
     store(result, out)

There’s a variable called the instruction pointer (abbreviated IP) built-in to the CPU that tells it where to fetch the next instruction from. Each time the clock ticks, the CPU fetches an instruction from the memory address stored in the instruction pointer, fetches the arguments to that instruction from cells in memory, performs the operation on those arguments, and then stores the result into another cell in the computer memory. Each individual operation produces both a result, and a new value for the instruction pointer. Most of the time, you just increment the instruction pointer to look at the next instruction, but for comparisons or branches, you can change it to something else.

What I described above is how older computers really worked. But as CPUs got faster, chipmaker ran into a huge problem: the CPU can perform its operations faster and faster every year. But retrieving a value from memory hasn’t gotten faster at the same rate as executing instructions. The exact numbers don’t matter, but to give you an idea, a modern CPU can execute an instruction in less than one nanosecond, but fetching a single value from memory takes more than 100 nanoseconds. In the scheme we described above, you need to fetch the instruction from memory (one fetch), and then fetch two parameters from memory (another two fetches), execute the instruction (1 nanosecond), and then store the result back into memory (one store). Assuming a store is no slower than a fetch, that means that for one nanosecond of computation time, the CPU needs to do 3 fetches and one store for each instruction. That means that the CPU is waiting, idle, for at least 400ns, during which it could have executed another 400 instructions, if it didn’t need to wait for memory.

That’s no good, obviously. There’s no point in making a fast CPU if all it’s going to do is sit around and wait for slow memory. But designers found ways to work around that, by creating ways to do a lot of computation without needing to pause to wait things to be retrieved from/stored to memory.

One of those tricks was to add registers to the CPUs. A register is a cell of memory inside of the CPU itself. Early processors (like the 6502 that was used by the Apple II) had one main register called an accumulator. Every arithmetic instruction would work by retrieving a value from memory, and then performing some arithmetic operation on the value in the accumulator and the value retrieved from memory, and leave the result in the accumulator. (So, for example, if 0x1234 were the address variable X, you could add the value of X to the accumulator with the instruction “ADD (1234)”. More modern CPUs added many registers, so that you can keep all of the values that you need for some computation in different registers. Reading values from or writing values to registers is lightning fast – in fact, it’s effectively free. So you structure your computations so that they load up the registers with the values they need, then do the computation in registers, and then dump the results out to memory. Your CPU can run a fairly long sequence of instructions without ever pausing for a memory fetch.

Expanding on the idea of putting memory into the CPU, they added ways of reducing the cost of working with memory by creating copies of the active memory regions on the CPU. These are called caches. When you try to retrieve something from memory, if it’s in the cache, then you can access it much faster. When you access something from a memory location that isn’t currently in the cache, the CPU will copy a chunk of memory including that location into the cache.

You might ask why, if you can make the cache fast, why not just make all of memory like the cache? The answer is that the time it takes in hardware to retrieve something from memory increases with amount of memory that you can potentially access. Pointing at a cache with 1K of memory is lightning fast. Pointing at a cache with 1 megabyte of memory is much slower that the 1K cache, but much faster that a 100MB cache; pointing at a cache with 100MB is even slower, and so on.

So what we actually do in practice is have multiple tiers of memory. We have the registers (a very small set – a dozen or so memory cells, which can be accessed instantly); a level-0 cache (on the order of 8k in Intel’s chips), which is pretty fast; a level-1 cache (100s of kilobytes), an L2 cache (megabytes), L3 (tens of megabytes), and now even L4 (100s of megabytes). If something isn’t in L0 cache, then we look for it in L1; if we can’t find it in L1, we look in L2, and so on, until if we can’t find it in any cache, we actually go out to the main memory.

There’s more we can do to make things faster. In the CPU, you can’t actually execute an entire instruction all at once – it’s got multiple steps. For a (vastly simplified) example, in the pseudocode above, you can think of each instruction as four phases: (1) decode the instruction (figuring out what operation it performs, and what its parameters are), (2) fetch the parameters, (3) perform the operations internal computation, and (4) write out the result. By taking advantage of that, you can set up your CPU to actually do a lot of work in parallel. If there are three phases to executing an instruction, then you can execute phase one of instruction one in one cycle; phase one of instruction two and phase two of instruction one in the next cycle; phase one of instruction three, phase two of instruction two, and phase three of instruction one in the third cycle. This process is called pipelining.

To really take advantage of pipelining, you need to keep the pipeline full. If your CPU has a four-stage pipeline, then ideally, you always know what the next four instructions you’re going to execute are. If you’ve got the machine code version of an if-then-else branch, when you start the comparison, you don’t know what’s going to come next until you finish it, because there are two possibilities. That means that when you get to phase 2 of your branch instruction, you can’t start phase one of the next instruction. instruction until the current one is finished – which means that you’ve lost the advantage of your pipeline.

That leads to another neat trick that people play in hardware, called branch prediction. You can make a guess about which way a branch is going to go. An easy way to understand this is to think of some numerical code:

def run_branch_prediction_demo():
  for i in 1 to 1000:
     for j in 1 to 1000:
          q = a[i][j] * sqrt(b[i][j])

After each iteration of the inner loop, you check to see if j == 1000. If it isn’t, you branch back to the beginning of that loop. 999 times, you branch back to the beginning of the loop, and one time, you won’t. So you can predict that you take the backward branch, and you can start executing the early phases of the first instructions of the next iteration. That may, most of the time you’re running the loop, your pipeline is full, and you’re executing your computation quickly!

The catch is that you can’t execute anything that stores a result. You need to be able to say “Oops, everything that I started after that branch was wrong, so throw it away!”. Alongside with branch prediction, most CPUs also provide speculative execution, which is a way of continuing to execute instructions in the pipeline, but being able to discard the results if they’re the result of an incorrect branch prediction.

Ok, we’re close. We’ve got to talk about just another couple of basic ideas before we can get to just what the problem is with these Intel chips.

We’re going to jump up the stack a bit, and instead of talking directly about the CPU hardware, we’re going to talk about the operating system, and how it’s implemented on the CPU.

An operating system is just a program that runs on your computer. The operating system can load and run other programs (your end-user applications), and it manages all of the resources that those other programs can work with. When you use an application that allocates memory, it sent a request called a syscall to the operating system asking it to give it some memory. If your application wants to read data from a disk drive, it makes a syscall to open a file and read data. The operating system is responsible for really controlling all of those resources, and making sure that each program that’s running only accesses the things that it should be allowed to access. Program A can only use memory allocated by program A; if it tries to access memory allocated by program B, it should cause an error.

The operating system is, therefore, a special program. It’s allowed to touch any piece of memory, any resource owned by anything on the computer. How does that work?

There are two pieces. First, there’s something called memory protection. The hardware provides a mechanism that the CPU can use to say something like “This piece of memory is owned by program A”. When the CPU is running program A, the memory protection system will arrange the way that memory looks to the program so that it can access that piece of memory; anything else just doesn’t exist to A. That’s called memory mapping: the system memory of the computer is mapped for A so that it can see certain pieces of memory, and not see others. In addition to memory mapping, the memory protection system can mark certain pieces of memory as only being accessible by privileged processes.

Privileged processes get us to the next point. In the CPU, there’s something called an execution mode: programs can run in a privileged mode (sometimes called kernel space execution), or it can run in a non-privileged mode (sometimes called user-space execution). Only code that’s running in kernel-space can do things like send commands to the memory manager, or change memory protection settings.

When your program makes a syscall, what really happens is that your program puts the syscall parameters into a special place, and then sends a signal called an interrupt. The interrupt switches the CPU into system space, and gives control to the operating system, which reads the interrupt parameters, and does whatever it needs to. Then it puts the result where the user space program expects it, switches back to user-space, and then allows the user space program to continue.

That process of switching from the user space program to the kernel space, doing something, and then switching back is called a context switch. Context switches are very expensive. Implemented naively, you need to redo the memory mapping every time you switch. So the interrupt consists of “stop what you’re doing, switch to privileged mode, switch to the kernel memory map, run the syscall, switch to the user program memory map, switch to user mode”.

Ok. So. We’re finally at the point where we can actually talk about the Intel bug.

Intel chips contain a trick to make syscalls less expensive. Instead of having to switch memory maps on a syscall, they allow the kernel memory to be mapped into the memory map of every process running in the system. But since kernel memory can contain all sorts of secret stuff (passwords, data belonging to other processes, among other things), you can’t let user space programs look at it – so the kernel memory is mapped, but it’s marked as privileged. With things set up that way, a syscall can drop the two “switch memory map” steps in the syscall scenario. Now all a syscall needs to do is switch to kernel mode, run the syscall, and switch back to user mode. It’s dramatically faster!

Here’s the problem, as best I understand from the information that’s currently available:

Code that’s running under speculative execution doesn’t do the check whether or not memory accesses from cache are accessing privileged memory. It starts running the instructions without the privilege check, and when it’s time to commit to whether or not the speculative execution should be continued, the check will occur. But during that window, you’ve got the opportunity to run a batch of instructions against the cache without privilege checks. So you can write code with the right sequence of branch instructions to get branch prediction to work the way you want it to; and then you can use that to read memory that you shouldn’t be able to read.

With that as a starting point, you can build up interesting exploits that can ultimately allow you to do almost anything you want. It’s not a trivial exploit, but with a bit of work, you can use a user space program to make a sequence of syscalls to get information you want into memory, and then write that information wherever you want to – and that means that you can acquire root-level access, and do anything you want.

The only fix for this is to stop doing that trick where you map the kernel memory into every user space memory map, because there’s no way to enforce the privileged memory property in speculative execution. In other words, drop the whole syscall performance optimization. That’ll avoid the security issue, but it’s a pretty expensive fix: requiring a full context switch for every syscall will slow down the execution of user space programs by something between 5 and 30 percent.

9 thoughts on “A Gentle Explanation of the Intel Speculative Execution CPU Bug

  1. ericastor

    My understanding is that (on preliminary benchmarking) the execution penalty is closer to 2-4 percent on average in real user-space programs… though 30 percent has been observed in extreme real cases (mostly involving VMs… bad news for hosting providers of all kinds). So maybe slightly less bad than initial synthetic benchmarks suggested, but still not good.

    1. decourse

      It would be interesting to see where that 5-30% figure comes from. My guess is that the biggest factor is whether or not the processor supports PCID. (The extended INVPCID modes won’t make a difference as far as I can tell.)

  2. vilx2

    Hmm, but how would the speculative execution move the interesting information out of protected zone? Sure, it can access it, but whether it ends in a hardware exception or a branch misprediction, the end result should be a total rollback of all its effects, no? Well, in theory anyway. Is this the part that Intel is trying to keep hidden? Something that isn’t properly rolled back?

    1. vilx2

      Ahh, nevermind. Found out by following links from here: https://meltdownattack.com/

      What they do is use more tricks with cache. First they create an array large enough to cover at least 256 cache lines. Then they make sure that this array is NOT in the CPU cache. Then they perform the speculative execution to read 1 byte from protected memory. Depending on what the value was, they touch a location in the array. The location is chosen in such a way, that each possible value would touch a different cache line. Although the speculative execution is rolled back, the touched cache line still remains cached. They then read each of the 256 possibly touched locations and measure how long it takes. The location which was touched during the speculative execution will be accessible much, much faster than all the other locations. Thus they find out the value of the byte which was read.

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  4. Markus Schaber

    The main problem why we need caches is cost. Faster memory (like registers or caches) is expensive, in terms of silicon and money. Slower memory is much cheaper. So using a small amount of fast memor (cache) and a huge amount of slow memory seemed to be a good tradeoff.

    Harddisks are just another layer of slower but cheaper storage memory, btw.. 🙂

    1. markcc Post author

      I don’t think that’s true. I don’t think that we *can* build switches for gigabytes of memory that will operate at the speed of a 1k cache.


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