Site Banner Request (Update)

A lot of people have said that they’d be willing to try making a banner for the site, but that they’d like me to provide a bit more info on what I’d like.

  1. Relatively subdued colors; no hot pink. My color preferences generally run towards blues and purples, but pretty much anything that it’s flourescent is fine.
  2. Headers here run roughly 760 by 90 or so, so roughly that size.
  3. Easy to read text, including the name of the blog, and the subtitle that are currently there. I’d rather not have funny fonts mixed into the title.
  4. Something in the background that suggests the kind of math I do. Since my approach to math is much more focused on discrete math topics like structures and logic, I’d prefer to see something like graphs, category diagrams, topologies, or knots than equations.

I’ve already gotten one header suggestion, which I like a lot, so I’ll put it here for you to see the kind of thing I like.
As I said above, I’d prefer to see stuff in the background that’s more up my alley, but I really like the overall look of this one.
Whoever designs the banner that ends up getting picked will, of course, be credited on the “about” page of the blog; I’ll also let you pick a topic for me to write a series of posts about; and if I ever collect the stuff I write for the blog into a book, I’ll send you a free copy.

0 thoughts on “Site Banner Request (Update)

  1. Dave S.

    Welcome aboard!
    I like the idea behind that banner, although a tad too dark on the right side I think. Wish I had some artistic talents myself. Thought it’d be pretty cool to have like a jauntily tilted halo over one of the O’s of “GOOD”, and pitchfork tines on one of the upstrokes of “BAD”. Or some variation of that idea. Curse my lack of talent! 🙂


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