Two Dimensional Pathological Beauty: SNUSP

I’m currently away on a family vacation, and as soon as vacation is over, I’m off on a business trip for a week. And along the way, I’ve got some deadlines for my book. So to fill in, I’m recycling some old posts. I decided that it’s been entirely too long since there was any pathological programming ’round these parts, so I’m going to repost some of my favorites.

Todays programming language insanity is a real delight – it’s one
of my all-time favorites. It’s a language
called SNUSP. You can find the language specification here,
a compiler, and
an interpreter embedded
in a web page
. It’s sort of like a cross between Befunge
and Brainfuck,
except that it also allows subroutines. (And in a variant, threads!) The
real beauty of SNUSP is its beauty: that is, programs in SNUSP are actually
really quite pretty, and watching them run can be positively entrancing.

SNUSP keeps its data on a tape, like Brainfuck. The basic instructions are
very Brainfuck like:

move the data tape pointer one cell to the left.
move the data tape pointer one cell to the right.
add one to the value in the current data tape cell.
subtract one from the value of the current data tape cell.
read a byte from stdin to the current tape cell.
write a byte from the current tape cell to stdout.

As I said, very Brainfuck-like when it comes to handling data. The interesting
part is next, when we get to its idea of two-dimensional control flow.
There aren’t many instructions here – but they end up providing something that I find
much more fascinating that Befunge.

bounce the current control flow direction as if the “/” were a mirror: if
the program is flowing up, switch to right; if it’s flowing down, switch to
left; if it’s flowing left, switch to down; and if its flowing right, switch
to up.
bounce the other way; also just like a mirror.
noop for drawing a path flowing left/right.
noop for drawing a path flowing up/down.

Those control flow operators are pretty much trivial. Conditionals are,
obviously, written using a “?” test followed by a mirror. Loops are,
literally, loops. The no-ops allow you to actually draw paths, which makes
SNUSP programs look really cool, but so far, it’s not particularly
functionally different from Befunge with a Brainfuck tape. What makes SNUSP
both brilliant and twisted is the last two instructions, which provide
subroutines. In addition to the playfield and the data tape, SNUSP also
has a call stack. Each entry on the call stack consists of a pair of
(location,direction). The two subroutine instructions are:

push the current program location and the current direction onto the stack.
means pop the top of the stack, set the location
and direction, and *skip* one cell. If there is nothing on the stack, then
exit (end program).

The final thing you need to know to read a SNUSP program
is that program execution starts out wherever there is a “$”, with the PC
moving to the right.

For our first example, here’s a program that reads a number and then
prints it out twice:

|   |

So, it starts at the “$” flowing right. Then gets to the “,”, and reads a
value into the current tape cell. It hits the first “@”, records the location
and direction on the stack. Then it hits the “/” mirror, and goes up until it
hits the “/” mirror, and turns right. It gets to the “!” and skips over the
“/” mirror, then the “.” prints, and the “#” pops the stack. So it returns to
the first “@”, skips over the “/” mirror, and gets to the second “@”, which
pushes the stack, etc.

Here’s a simple subroutine for adding 48 to a cell:


Or a slight variant:

| #+++++++++++++++++++++++/

Or (copying from the language manual), how about this one? This one starts
to give you an idea of what I like about this bugger; the programs can be
really beautiful; writing a program in SNUSP can be as much art as it is programming.


One last +48 subroutine,

123 4

This last one is very clever, so I’ll walk through it. The “1234” on the top
are comments; any character that isn’t an instruction is ignored. They’re
there to label things for me to explain.

  1. The program goes to @1.
  2. At @1, itt pushes the loc/dir on the stack.
  3. Then it gets to @2, and pushes again. (So now the stack is “@1right,@2right”).
  4. Then it gets to @3, and pushes again, and the stack is “@1right,@2right,@3right”.
  5. Then add one to the cell, and push again (stack=@1right,@2right,@3right,@4right”).
  6. Then 5 “+”s, so add 5 to the cell; with the earlier “+”, we’ve now added 6 to the cell.
  7. Then we hit “#”, so pop, return to @4, and skip forward one cell. So 4 “+”s
    get executed, and we’ve now added 10 to the tape cell.

  8. Then we pop again (so the stack is “@1right,@2right”), return to @3,
    and skip one instruction. That puts us back at @4, so we push (stack=@1right,@2right,@4right).
  9. Now there are the five “+”s (so we’ve added +15), and then another pop,
    which brings us back to @4.
  10. We skip a cell, since we just popped back; so now we execute 4 “+”s (+19), and
    pop again. (stack=@1right), and we’re at @2.
  11. As usual, we skip one instruction since we just popped – so we
    jump over @3. Then we add one (+20), and repeat what happened before when
    we first got to “@4”, adding another 9 (+29).
  12. Pop again (so stack is empty), skip one instruction, so we’re at @3.
    Skip, push, repeat from @4 (+38).
  13. Pop back to @2, skip @3, add one (+39), push @4, repeat the same thing from @4
    again (+48).

Here’s a real beauty: Multiplication, with documentation. If you look at
it carefully, it’s actually reasonably clear how it works! Given this
instruction set, that’s truly an amazing feat.

read two characters    ,>,==  *    /=================== ATOI   ----------
convert to integers /=/@</@=/  *   // /===== ITOA  ++++++++++ /----------/
multiply @ =!=========/ //           /++++++++++/ ----------
convert back !/@!============/            ++++++++++ /----------/
and print the result /  .#    *                  /++++++++++/ --------#
/====================/          *                  ++++++++#
|    /-<+>                    #/?=<<<<!>>>>                   />>+<+<-
|   #?===/! BMOV1 =====       ->>>>+/    //  /======== BSPL2 !======?/#
|    /->+<         /===|=========== FMOV4 =/  //                /<<+>+>-
|   #?===/! FMOV1 =|===|==============  /====/  /====== FSPL2 !======?/#
|                /==|===|==============|==|=======/
|           * * *|* | * | * * * * * * *|* | * * *                /+<-
|           * />@/<@/>>@/>>=== /====>>@<@<  *   /==== ADD2  !>=?/<#
===== MUL2 =?/>@==<#<<<==  !<<<<@>>>>-?/ *  //            /-
*    \        /@========|======</ * //  /== ZERO  !?/#
* * * \* * * * | * * * * | * * * * *//  //
\       |         ==========/  //

Want to see more true brilliance? How about integer square root? Written
to look almost like the square root radical?

|  -/<-=-/  >>>+<<<-/

One last example: one of the most pathological functions ever, Ackermann’s
function. This was designed by a mathematician trying to prove that there were
programs that didn’t require the full power of a turing machine, but that were
more complicated than primitive recursive functions. The definition of the
function is:

A(x,y) =

  • y + 1 if x = 0
  • A(x-1,1) if x > 0 and y = 0
  • A(x-1,A(x,y-1)) if x > 0 and y > 0

The value of Ackerman’s function grows like nothing else. A(4, 2) is about
2×1019728.And it’s done by adding ones that many times.

Here’s Ackerman’s in SNUSP:

|   |
|   |       /=========!==!====   ** recursion **
$,@/>,@/==ack=!?<+#    |   |     |   A(0,j) -> j+1
j   i           <?+>-@/#  |     |   A(i,0) -> A(i-1,1)
@>@->@/@<-@/#  A(i,j) -> A(i-1,A(i,j-1))
#      #  |  |     |
/-<<+>>!=/  =====|==@>>>@<<#
(a > 0)   ?      ?           |   |    |
>>+<<-/!==========/   |    |
#      #               |    |
|    |
#/?========!==/    ==!/=======?#
->>+>+<<</            >>>+<<<-/

0 thoughts on “Two Dimensional Pathological Beauty: SNUSP

  1. mds

    This reminds me a lot of a Brainfuck/Befunge hybrid that I came up with a few years ago (as any hybrid of the two likely would). Mine didn’t have subroutines, though, but featured self-modification as a guiding philosophy. My name links to the program, a simple interpreter and a pair of sample programs.


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